About me

I'm Udaya Goel a Grade-12 student pursuing the IB Diploma Programme at The Doon School, Dehradun, India. They say my very expressions tell you of my interest in Mathematics and Physics.

My love for nature, photography, machines and my green fingers are discovered as you begin to spend time with me.

No write-up is or can be a complete revelation of my entire self and so I thought a website would be a good idea.

I hope you can enjoy the work I have put together.

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Invention & Research

Provisional Patent Application

It a Provisional Patent Application for a unique Hydrogen Generaion system for automobiles. It uses tap water and solar power to drive an electric car.

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Research Summary

Research Summary of the effect on the efficiency of a cyclist with a change in the distance between the pedals and the rear crank at different forces.

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Internship Reports

Internship Report - Sona BLW Precision Forging

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Engineers Corporation - Photographic Timeline of the making of a Morgan Replica

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Photography Portfolio

I was born on the 5th of June, 2003. I spent the first 7 years of my early childhood in my hometown where my parents lived. It was a small township with limited resources so outdoors made to my list of favorites. Gravel and sand, trees and plants that I nurtured and very early learnt to cycle my way uphill and downhill closer to a water body. The beauty of the landscape and the peace and solace it brought to my mind and my itching nerves is probably what lead me to click photographs.

The rustling of leaves, the calmness of the stream and all that wilderness offered while on some little trips with my bicycle packed up in the back of the car was what endeared me to love coming back with pictures. Before I turned 8, I was off to a boarding school and with a little camera I continued to click more and more pictures until I finally realized that it calms me to watch and capture what I love.

The landscape of the hills, the trees, the festivities, the birds or butterflies, the roaring engines or the beautiful vintage cars are some that I love to click. I have a long way to go with learning to click better and in understanding more but I’ve delightfully put together some pictures very close to my heart. They truly speak about how I think and how my lens lures me to continue capturing.

Organic Farming

If you love to grow, just your love and care is enough to make them bloom and blossom. Growing your own food is not only self-satisfying but exceedingly rewarding too.

Trust me it's even better if you can also cook what you grow. Some tips on preparing the soil and looking after it will prove beneficial and also ensure you’re doing it the right way.

I have put together some vegetables and fruits I’ve grown on my own with the help of the school gardeners or with tips from my grandparents’ farm. In this booklet I am proud to present my love for growing and the result of my green fingers.

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Letters of Recommendation

Mr. Tutu Dhawan

(Owner – Engineer Corporation)

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Mr. Philip Burret

(Ex-Deputy Headmaster - The Doon School)

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Udaya Goel
644, Shivkala Apartment, D-19, Sector 51, Noida – 201301 – India
+91-9599963550 | udaya.6.2021@doonschool.com

The Doon School, Dehradun, India (2015-2021)

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) Grade 12 - May 2021.

The Doon School, Dehradun, India (2015-2021)

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Grade 10 – May 2019.

3 Weeks Internship Training at the Sona BLW Precision Forging Ltd. in Gurugram, Haryana. Sona BLW is engaged in the manufacturing of Bevel Gears for the Automobile Industry. I was involved with the teams of production and designing to learn the basics of computer-aided design. - Made an Internship Report too.

I spent 4 Weeks at the Engineer's Corporation, Noida studying and observing the restoration process of various Vintage & Classic Cars under the guidance of well-known vintage and classic car restorer Mr. Tutu Dhawan. Even though being underage limited my involvement, it's been the most important learning for me to see how parts are put together, the precision it requires to get old parts going, or making new ones from scratch for those old masterpieces. – Made a photographic timeline of the making of a Morgan Plus 4.

Completed the Introduction to Engineering and Design online course by Brown University.

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Let's Get in Touch

644, Shivkala Apartments D-19 Sec-51, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh (India)

+91 - 9599963550



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